As an accredited investor, I declared that I am
(A) An individual whose income in the preceding 12 months exceeded S$300,000 (or its
equivalent in a foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may prescribe in
place of the first amount; or
(B) An individual whose net personal assets exceed in value S$2 million (or its equivalent in a
foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may prescribe in place of the first
amount; when determining the value of an individual's net personal asset, the value of the
individual's primary residence - Ba) is to be calculated by deducting any outstanding
amounts in respect of any credit facility that is secured by the residence from the estimated
fair market value of the residence; and bb) is taken to be the lower of the following: (i) the
value calculated under paragraph (Ba) (ii) $1 million
(C) An individual whose financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceed in value S$1
million (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) or such other amount as the Authority may
prescribe in place of the first amount, where “financial asset” means — Ca) a deposit as
defined in section 4B of the Banking Act; Cb) an investment product as defined in section
2(1) of the Financial